BLACKHAWK WOMEN was founded in 1985 by a small group of women who wanted to share “fun, food, and common interests.” Over the years, the organization has steadily grown and a variety of Activity Groups provide socialization opportunities for the 350 current members. The organization is governed by Robert's Rules of Order and has the following objective:
This organization is formed to provide a meeting ground for
all women residents of Blackhawk and Country Club members
The following will assist you in navigating through the Blackhawk Women Website...........
Leading the organization, is a group of dynamic, dedicated women. Click on BOARD OF DIRECTORS for a list of the board positions and current officers.
In addition to the board, there are a number of committees in support of the Executive Board. Click on COMMITTEES for a description and list of committee chairpersons.
Blackhawk Women is an extremely active organization and the groups are as diverse as the women, as evidenced by clicking on ACTIVITY GROUPS. In that section, you will find a description of each activity group.
The EVENT CALENDAR section provides information about future events for advance scheduling of our busy lives.
The contents of the BULLETIN BOARD change monthly to include the President's message, information about the next luncheon, special notices, and a photo gallery of members enjoying the various activities.
Note: For privacy reasons, telephone numbers and addresses of the members have been excluded from the webpage.